HL & Men

It’s Questions’ Time!

1. Do you know of any one who can make a heaven, solar system or hell?
2. What did God ask Gwen and BJ to do?
3. What are the seven spirits in front of God’s throne for?
4. The earth is full of God’s glory! Can you see the glory and great wonders of God throughout the earth? What are some of the things that you see?
5. How many people do you think have had a relationship with God?
6. How many people you think are having a real relationship with God, today?
7. How many people do you know that are dead?
8. How many of these people do you think had placed their faith in Jesus Christ will actually after death, be in the presence of God eternally?
9. Why are people so evil to God?
10. Do you think the media is deceptive? Why or why not?

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